One Soul Many Story is born during the Covid Circuit breaker from three observations:
First, the multiplication of ads on social networks posted from individuals trying to sell their clothes, bags, shoes and accessories after 2 months of decluttering. Most ads had poor quality images, approximative descriptions and did not provide relevant information about the products for the potential buyers. There was also no guarantee on the quality of the products listed.
It resulted with busy and sometimes frustrated sellers having to deal with buyers requests, hard bargaining, deliveries and no shows... as well as disappointed buyers feeling in some cases cheated or unhappy with their purchase as the quality was not matching their expectations.
A need to act locally, helping provide a helpful and hassle free service to the sellers and a guarantee of qualitative products rightly priced for the buyers emerged.
Then, coming from Europe and France more precisely, we observed a lack of cozy "boutiques" where you can browse qualitative clothing, European/Parisian style, at affordable prices. We dreamt of a place outside the usual fast fashion chains or unaffordable luxury malls where we could go with friends and browse the trendy
worldwide designer brands we loved, try and shop qualitative, casual or more formal clothes at reasonable prices.
Finally, we identified Singapore as a region where second hand, preloved shopping was very limited. Unlike Europe or America where the second hand market over the last 10 years has massively increased and become part of consumers' shopping habits, Singapore and the Asian region is just emerging. The offering is mostly limited to online platforms with very few options of physical boutique or event where shoppers can browse, feel and try on the pieces.
With this mind and with the appetite to continue developing and encouraging circular fashion in Singapore, One Soul Many Stories was born!
Our mission became clear: Make sustainable fashion rime with style, quality and truly amazing shopping experience.